Saturday, March 26, 2011

We Have Everything...

Did you know that's licorice fern growing on the side of that tree? And in the spring you can pull them by their roots and bring them home and make tea? And then your cough will go away...

But always ask the licorice fern first, and the tree it grows on. Always ask before you take.

She wandered up the path looking at the sides of trees, her miniature version of my eyes sparkling through the flood of light coming through the forest ceiling. 

Did you know that the nettles are starting to cover the forest floor and we can gather them and bring them home and drink the tea and we'll feel as bright as it is green? Did you know if you get stung while gathering the nettles there's a plant that always grows right by them that helps the sting go away? Just rub it on your skin.

She crouched down. Hot pink rain boots and her orange tutu over bluejeans was her style. Her hair uncombed, but always a bit of mama's lip balm over her lips. And bangles. Loads of bangles on each arm.

Where, mama? Where are the nettles?  I got down next her and pointed out the heart-shaped leaves growing just above the surface of the Earth. Mama? Where is the plant that takes away the sting?  

Right there, pointing to the spiny, leafy fern.

Did you know we are given all we need? That everything is here, growing right under our feet? That all we have to do is look and listen and we will be healed?

Did you know it's all perfect?  Especially you?

She smiles and runs to an open field up ahead and lies down.

Come on, Mama! Come over. Lie next to me. Watch the clouds...

I'll be right there. 

1 comment:

  1. so beautiful, lost my mom to cancer, made me think of her, thank you
